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At the beginning of this class, I initially thought that exigence was synonymous with purpose and couldn’t really differentiate the two in my writing. In fact, I mixed up the two in my reflection on the technical description assignment. However, I learned the differentiate the two later on.

Exigence is defined as what motivates you to write, which is different from the definition of purpose. Usually, there is an issue or other circumstances that may have incited you to write as a reaction to said conditions.

For instance, the exigence of my memo assignment (Figure 1) was the lack of assistance and navigation in the advising process for declaring a major in The City College of New York (CCNY). Due to the pandemic and most of the college admissions process being online, we had to rely on CUNYfirst and Zoom meetings with professors to help us declare a major; however, the process was difficult to navigate. Thus, this motivated me to write this memo to address this issue.

Figure 1: Exigence of my memo stated in my memo reflection.